Go to for directions to 5326 Pingree Road, Howell, MI 48843 or if coming from the East, see below:
Directions to Sterling Training Center:
Sterling Training Center is located in Howell, Michigan, about one hour west of Detroit. If you are driving from the East, take I-96 West to exit 137 (D19). Turn right when you came to the stop sign/traffic light at the exit and go towards Pinckney. Go about 4 miles until you reach the next traffic light which is Coon Lake Rd. Turn right and go for about 8 miles to Pingree Rd. Turn left onto Pingree and go about 2 more miles to 5326 Pingree Rd. Turn right into the farm driveway. The house and barn are set back from the road., both with brown siding. There is a porch across the front of the house. If you are coming from the Ann Arbor area, take US-23 North to I-96 West and follow the directions above. If coming from the west, take I-96 East to exit 137 (D19), turn right and drive to Coon Lake Rd. Follow the directions above.